Upper Waitaki Zone Committee meeting

Environment Canterbury

Friday 7 September 2012, 2:08PM

By Environment Canterbury



The Upper Waitaki Zone Committee will meet on Friday 17 August, at the Mackenzie Country Inn, Twizel.

The committee will begin the meeting by looking at its workplan for the upcoming months before receiving an update on the state of water quality in the zone from Environment Canterbury.

Next the committee will consider a draft project schedule for implementing the recommendations featured in its Zone Implementation Programme (ZIP) for Land Use and Water Quality and Biodiversity.

The ZIP was endorsed by councils earlier this year as the basis for the design and realignment of council work and regional planning programmes for freshwater. It contains recommendations and actions that are ready to implement such as biodiversity and land use and water quality actions.

The committee is looking at how to prioritise, oversee, and provide local leadership on the actions detailed in the ZIP.

The project schedule devloped by Environment Canterbury outlines to the committe how the propsed actions will be resourced to achieve its priority outcomes, taking into account available resources, while identifying the projects that will have the greatest impact on the relevant targets outlined in the Canterbury Water Management Strategy.

The committee will end the meeting with a presentation from Irrigation NZ on Environmental Management Systems for Irrigation Schemes, followed by an update from Environment Canterbury on water consents in the zone.

Meeting information

Upper Waitaki Zone Committee meeting
9:30am, Friday 17 August
Mackenzie Country Inn, Twizel

Read the agenda