Dog Business Puts Best Paw Forward

Tuesday 11 September 2012, 11:10AM

By Dog Guru


Dog Guru has put forward their entry into the Auckland South Business awards as they believe they have a shot at taking out the award. The company is a national company with a special model in that all the 25 staff are employees of the company and not a franchise. 

Simon Goodall says "This has allowed us to employ people that may otherwise not be able to purchase a franchise and make sure we get the best staff possible. All the staff are given special development time to ensure that they receive the best training. We believe we have the best dog trainer development programme in the world with case studies, intense study and book reviews just a part of the job".

Dog Guru has been operating for 10 years and has grown in 18 months from just 2 staff to where they are now. 

See more about Dog Guru at