Auckland bus drivers vote against offer from NZ Bus

Monday 17 September 2012, 2:28PM

By FIRST Union



Auckland bus drivers have today voted to reject the latest offer from NZ Bus for the renewal of their collective agreement.

Spokesperson for the combined bus unions, Karl Andersen, says the workers believe they are undervalued by the company and deserve to paid better.

“Bus drivers are working split shifts and long hours and want to have sufficient wages at the end of the working week to have a decent life,” he said.

“While the offer put to workers today was an improvement from the company, it did not meet union members’ expectations and needs to improve.

Karl Andersen said drivers at today’s member meeting said they were not earning enough to pay their bills and give their families a decent standard of living, and the delayed implementation of pay increases offered by the company prolonged this hardship.

“Drivers are also concerned about changes to their rosters that the company has introduced in the last couple of weeks,” Karl Andersen said.

The unions have notified the company of the vote to reject their offer and have told them they are keen to get back into negotiations as soon as possible.

Members have voted to take industrial action to support an improved claim, Karl Andersen said.