Media Advisory and Photo Opportunity

Invercargill City Council

Wednesday 19 September 2012, 12:08PM

By Invercargill City Council



Members of the media are invited to take film/footage of New Zealand Shakeout, the national exercise to practice emergency procedures in the event of an earthquake.

The Invercargill City Council has signed up to take part in the exercise, along with its other partners in Emergency Management Southland.

All of the City Council’s business units around Invercargill will be taking part in the exercise.

Members of the media are invited to the Invercargill Public Library, to take film/footage of staff and members of the public participating in the drill.

DATE: Wednesday 26 September

TIME:  9.26am

VENUE:  Invercargill Public Library

Members of the media are invited to meet Library Manager Marianne Foster in the foyer of the library at 9.15am.