It's Our Fault!

Thursday 20 September 2012, 1:09PM

By Marlborough District Council



Four main earthquake fault lines cross Marlborough – we straddle the boundary between the Pacific Plate and the Australian Plate. We’re living in one of the highest risk parts of the country because the South Island’s major Alpine Fault Line swings our way on its path north. A series of smaller faults splay out from our four main fault lines.

  • The Wairau Fault may be a continuation of the Alpine Fault Line. It runs into the Upper Wairau Valley near Tophouse Saddle and tracks through the Valley’s farmland all the way to Renwick, seldom more than a few hundred metres from SH 63.
  • The Awatere Fault travels from the headwaters of the Awatere River on Molesworth Station, down the valley coming out between Clifford and Cloudy Bay.
  • The Clarence Fault is next, part of it following the Clarence River’s course and terminating about 10kms west of Ward.
  • To the south of the region, the Hope Fault runs off the Alpine fault line alongside the Hope River to the coast north of Kaikoura with secondary lines running off it north into the Marlborough district.


There are also many smaller and less understood faults scattered across the district including the Waihopai Fault. Scientists judge all our fault lines to have potential to be seismically active.

There’s very good reason to be prepared for an earthquake in this part of the country.

Get ready to join the national earthquake drill ShakeOut – 9.26am, 26 September 2012.
Marlborough’s schools have been setting a great example by signing up to the drill. Other organisations and individuals can join in by signing up now at