Selwyn-Waihora Zone Committee meeting

Environment Canterbury

Monday 1 October 2012, 5:02PM

By Environment Canterbury



The Selwyn-Waihora Zone Committee will meet for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, 2 October, at Wairewa Marae, Little River.

The meeting will begin with a Powhiri at the Marae, which will be followed by a presentation from Environment Canterbury Commissioner Donald Couch on Kaitiakitanga – a Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS) target.

Following this, the formal order of business will commence and this will include an opportunity for members of the public to contribute to the meeting.

The key focus for Tuesday’s meeting will be on continuing its work to develop water quality and quantity limits for the zone.

These limits will become part of a Selwyn-Waihora sub-regional chapter in Environment Canterbury’s proposed Land and Water Regional Plan, due to become operative in early 2014. The Selwyn-Waihora catchment limits will replace the Plan’s interim regional limits.

At the meeting the zone committee will specifically look at how elements of the committee’s proposed Solution Package will contribute to the priority outcomes in its Zone Implementation Programme (ZIP) for water management.

By building the zone committee understanding of the impacts of limits (via scenario testing) the committee will be able to make technically and socially informed recommendations on limits. The underpinning assumptions of the scenarios being tested are available here.

At Tuesday’s meeting the committee will also have a chance to engage with industry groups including Dairy NZ, Pork NZ, FAR, Beef and Lamb NZ, and Horticulture NZ on what reduction in Nitrogen loss is achievable in the zone.

The Selwyn-Waihora Zone Committee is a joint committee of the Christchurch City and Selwyn District Councils, and Environment Canterbury. Zone Committee meetings are open to the public to attend.

Meeting information

Selwyn-Waihora Zone Committee meeting
Tuesday, 2 October – Powhiri begins at 10:45am. Formal order of business begins at 12:30pm before a 45 minute break for lunch at 1:00pm.
Wairewa Marae, 345 Christchurch - Akaroa Highway, Little River

View the agenda