Mainstream Awards celebrate good employers
Employers in both the state and private sectors have been recognised today for going the extra mile for staff with significant disabilities.
At today’s Mainstream Awards ceremony in Wellington, the New Zealand Police was named the 2012 employer of the year for providing high quality supported employment.
The awards ceremony – into its 13th year – acknowledges those employers who have created successful job placements for disabled people and encourages other employers to follow suit.
Tariana Turia, Associate Minister for Social Development, presented today’s award. She says Mainstream is an ideal stepping stone for helping those with disabilities to get a job.
“Having a significant disability can make it that much harder to find work. However, more than 210 people are currently in job placements because of Mainstream. “
“This year, since the programme has been opened up to private sector employers, it is now fully subscribed with a waiting list.”
“I believe the awards are that much more meaningful because staff are the ones who nominate their employers,” Ms Turia says.
One of the Mainstream judges said NZ Police was rewarded for its support of a man who had been extremely disabled following a stroke in 2008. The employee says “NZ Police gave me the chance to rebuild my career and my life”.
The Mainstream Employment Programme provides a package of subsidies, training, and other support to help people with significant disabilities get work.
2012 Mainstream Employment Programme award winners:
Mainstream Employer of the Year 2012
New Zealand Police
For excelling in providing a supportive and inclusive employment opportunity
Mainstream Employer of the Year Runner Up 2012
Universal College of Learning (UCOL)
For providing an excellent employment opportunity
Mainstream Employer of the Year Runner Up 2012
Youth Services Trust, Whanganui
For providing an excellent employment opportunity
Mainstream Employer of the Year Merit 2012
Lyndale Nurseries
For providing a high quality employment opportunity
Mainstream Employer of the Year Merit 2012
Cullinane College
For providing a high quality employment opportunity
Mainstream Supported Employment Agent of the Year 2012
Ali Brown, Catapult Employment Services Trust
- For excelling in supporting Mainstream Employment Programme participants
Mainstream Supported Employment Agent of the Year Runner Up 2012
Philip Walley, Edge Employment Service Limited
- For providing high quality support to Mainstream Employment Programme participants
Mainstream Supported Employment Agent of the Year Agency Award 2012
For creating excellent job opportunities through the Mainstream Employment Programme