Final UC Science Café looks at international law and protecting Antarctica

Thursday 11 October 2012, 12:46PM

By Christchurch City Council



The values surrounding law and politics in Antarctica will be under the spotlight at the final UC Science Café this Sunday (14 October).

NZ IceFest Director Jo Blair says the UC Science Café series has been a unique feature at the NZ IceFest.

“It has been such a thrill to bring this awesome model of sharing scientific knowledge to NZ IceFest. The opportunity to engage with leading Antarctic researchers in a social, chilled out environment doesn’t come around everyday, but through the festival we’ve made it happen and brought the concept to one of the southernmost parts of the world.”

The event will explore the meanings and answers to questions such as who owns Antarctica, what is the relationship between science and tourism and how international law protects the fragile Antarctic environment.

Associate Professor Karen Scott from the University of Canterbury and Dr. Neil Gilbert from Antarctica New Zealand will feature in the discussion. Associate Professor Scott researches and teaches in the areas of Antarctic governance, law of the sea and international environmental law. Dr. Gilbert has represented the UK at meetings of the Antarctic Treaty and its Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP) before immigrating to New Zealand in 2003 and joining Antarctica New Zealand as Environmental Manager.

Ms Blair says, “It’s incredible to round this series off with people of such renown and expertise as Associate Professor Scott and Dr. Gilbert, and more proof that here in Christchurch our experts are world leaders in their field.”

The free event begins at 10.30am on Sunday 14 October in the UC Geo Dome at NZ IceFest. For more information visit