TV Takeback in Murchison

Friday 19 October 2012, 1:46PM

By Tasman District Council



Tasman District Council, with assistance from the Ministry for the Environment, will be offering a TV recycling service for residents of Murchison and surrounding areas. This service is timed to coincide with the recent switch to digital in Hawke’s Bay and the West Coast.

The programme is being funded via the Government’s Waste Minimisation Fund. Money for the Waste Minimisation Fund comes from a waste levy charged on material disposed of at landfills.

From 13 October until 28 October 2012 the recycling service will be free of charge and from 29 October 2012 until the end of March 2013 the cost of disposal will be $10 per television.

Televisions will be accepted at Council’s Resource Recovery Centre at 41 Matakitaki West Bank Road, Murchison. The site is open 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Televisions collected will be packaged and transported to Christchurch for processing by RCN New Zealand.

The TV TakeBack programme aims to divert up to 500,000 televisions from going to landfill. It is an initiative that involves the Government partnering with a range of recyclers and retailers to provide a nationwide network of subsidised options. Tasman District Council is working with Fulton Hogan, and RCN e-cycle at this stage of the project. As the digital rollout continues into Nelson-Tasman in the new year, Tasman District and Nelson City Council to identify further recycling options for old televisions.

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