It's time for green-fingered residents to save water again
Labour Weekend is often a busy time for gardeners. Christchurch City Council is encouraging green-fingered residents to think about saving water when they’re buying and planting this long weekend.
Acting City Water and Waste Manager Tim Joyce says water restrictions appear unlikely this summer and sensible water use is one of the best ways to keep it this way.
“We’re asking residents to keep up the great effort made last summer and to water wisely. If you’re visiting a garden centre this weekend, think about water needs when you’re selecting plants and look at getting some mulch to keep plants cool and moist in the coming summer months.”
Tim Joyce says while the water supply situation has significantly improved since last year, the Council will continue to monitor this and the state of the network. The usual summer water restrictions will apply in Akaroa.
Earthquake damage to water-supply systems meant the Council had to impose city-wide water restrictions last summer. For four months, residents could only use hoses to water their gardens on three days of the week and could not use sprinklers or garden irrigation systems at all.
“Our infrastructure is in a much better state than it was this time last year. This is thanks to lots of hard work over the last 12 months replacing damaged reservoirs, pump stations, wells and pipes, but there’s still some way to go,” says Tim Joyce.
Water saving tips for gardeners
• Spreading a layer of organic mulch around plants keeps your garden cool and moist and saves water, time and money.
• Water the garden at cooler times of the day, in the morning or evening, to minimise evaporation and water wastage.
• Avoid watering in a nor'west wind as it quickly evaporates the water.
• Do not hose down paths and driveways; use a broom.
• Consult with your local nursery for information on plant selection and placement for optimum outdoor water savings.
• Wash your car with a bucket of water on the lawn and you'll water your lawn at the same time.
• Use water efficient, hand-held gun nozzles on your hoses.
More ideas, and a list of drought tolerant plants, are available at: