Junior men face thunder and lighting

Monday 22 October 2012, 1:40PM

By Triathlon NZ



Following on from the excitement of the Elite Men’s race, the Junior (Under 19) Men took their turn battling the conditions on Auckland’s waterfront in the Barfoot & Thompson ITU World Championships.

The race was won by Wian Sullwald of South Africa, a first ever elite world championship title for the African continent, with Simon Viain (FRA) second and Constantine Doherty Ireland’s first ever podium athlete in third place.

The first kiwi home was Auckland’s Sam Ward who finished 11th in his first ITU World Champs, finding the conditions “bloody hard.”   He said he was “pretty happy with his result, the conditions were just so tough.” Ward will still be under 19 for the next World Champs and said this race “was a good experience.”

The swim strung the athletes out, as the wind pushed the athletes into the shadow of Cook’s Wharf.  Sam Ward was the first kiwi out of the water, 30 seconds off the leaders, followed closely by Troy McAlister and Tom McLaughlin.

It was survival of the fittest and the best equipped bike handlers on the course, with athletes dropping like flies in the steep, slippery conditions. Ward said “the wind just killed us out on the bike.”

As the rain intensified, much of the crowd took shelter in The Cloud and ‘ummed’ and ‘aaaghed’ watching the action unfold on big screens. It was like a demolition derby on bikes at times in the treacherous conditions.

The field soon split, as Irish athlete Constantine Doherty broke away to race most of the bike leg on his own.  Chasing him hot pursuit was a chase pack that diminished in size each lap as the athletes fought it out in the thunder and lightning.  McLaughlin suffering the same fate as many, crashing on the bike course, but continued bravely on the run to finish the race.

Coming into transition in a group one minute and fifteen seconds behind the leaders, the young New Zealanders gained some valuable experience on the run course.

McAlister eventually finished the race in 20th place and was enthusiastic despite the conditions. 

“It was a real good buzz competing in the world champs in Auckland. It was my first time competing in the elite grade so I was pretty happy with that race.”

The age group and paratriathletes will take the course tomorrow and will no doubt be hoping for better conditions as a hugely an the Under 19 Men.

2012 ITU World Triathlon Championships
Junior Men (U19)
1 Wian Sullwald                   RSA    1:01:44
2 Simon Viain                       FRA    1:01:58
3 Constantine Doherty       IRL      1:01:59
Plus NZers
11 Sam Ward                        NZL    1:03:13
20 Troy McAlister                 NZL    1:04:42
51 Tom McLaughlin                        NZL    1:10:59

For the full ITU report and results, click here