South New Brighton Reserves Management Plan

Christchurch City Council

Tuesday 23 October 2012, 2:23PM

By Christchurch City Council



Community views are being sought on the recovery and future management of three reserves in South New Brighton – Blighs Garden, Bridge Reserve, and South New Brighton Park.

The three reserves were severely impacted by the Canterbury earthquakes and now look very different following the removal of hundreds of earthquake affected trees. The Council is seeking community input into the preparation of a new management plan for the reserves that will take account of all the changes occurring in the reserves and allow recovery work to progress.

The management plan will identify values and establish a vision for the area. It will determine the recreation, landscape and environmental outcomes to be achieved and establish policies to enable the reserves to be developed appropriately. A development plan will also be prepared.

The community is invited to get involved and offer suggestions on replanting and potential new recreation activities and facilities. There is a community workshop on Thursday 1 November 2012 at 7pm at South New Brighton School Performing Arts Room.

Further information about the consultation and suggestion forms are on the Council’s “Have Your Say” website: Suggestions can also be emailed to

Closing date for suggestions is Friday 14 December 2012.