Canterbury Water Kaikoura Zone Committee Meeting

Environment Canterbury

Tuesday 23 October 2012, 4:05PM

By Environment Canterbury



The Kaikoura Zone Committee will meet at Memorial Hall on Wednesday 24 October for its monthly water management meeting.

The committee will begin with approving the final version of the committee’s Zone Implementation Programme (ZIP) for water management.

The ZIP brings together the committee’s recommendations for water management in the zone to achieve the goals and targets set out in the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS) - to enable future generations the greatest social, economic, recreational, cultural benefits from our water resources within a sustainable framework.

In July and August the zone committee held three community meetings and met with 11 stakeholder groups to give locals a chance to provide feedback on the recommendations in the ZIP. Around 30 submissions were also received and these have now been reflected in the final version of the ZIP, which the committee will consider at Wednesday’s meeting.

The ZIP will then be presented to Environment Canterbury and the Kaikoura District Council to be endorsed as the basis for the design and realignment of work programmes and for drafting plan provisions.

The next item on the agenda at Wednesday’s meeting is to discuss how the issues discussed at Regional Committee meetings can be feed back to zone committees. The Regional Committee meets each month to consider region-wide issues of importance, such as the role infrastructure can play in delivering the targets outlined in the CWMS.

The committee will also reflect on its own structure and progress since forming in mid-2011, and discuss its role and goals as it works towards implementing the ZIP. A key future focus for the committee will be on working with the community developing a Sub Regional Chapter to the Land and Water Regional Plan, which will include water quality and quantity limits.

The committee will finish the meeting by looking at the support available from Environment Canterbury’s Resource Management and Communications teams to help it work with its community to achieve the goals set out in the CWMS and from this develop its work priorities from the ZIP.

Zone Committee Meeting information:

Kaikoura Zone Committee meeting
1:00pm, Wednesday, 24 October
Memorial Hall Supper Room, Esplanade, Kaikoura

Read the agenda