Christchurch West-Melton zone committee meeting

Environment Canterbury

Wednesday 24 October 2012, 2:02PM

By Environment Canterbury


The Christchurch-West Melton Zone Committee will meet on 25 October for its monthly meeting to discuss water management issues in the zone.

The committee will begin by inviting community members to contribute to the meeting, before receiving an update from the Regional Committee.

The committee will then look at the work programme for finalising its ZIP and how it will engage with the community to get their feedback. The ZIP brings together the committee’s recommendations for water management in the zone to achieve the goals and targets set out in the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS).

The vision of the CWMS is to enable future generations the greatest social, economic, recreational, cultural benefits from our water resources within a sustainable framework.

Once local feedback has been processed a final version of the ZIP will be presented to councils to form the basis for the design and realignment of water management work programmes and long term plans.

At the meeting the committee will also discuss Christchurch City Council’s Draft Wastewater Management Strategy and how it aligns with the CWMS, before being briefed by Environment Canterbury on its proposed Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP).

The proposed LWRP provides the framework to facilitate delivery of the community’s aspirations for water management – as set out in the CWMS. The committee will look at how the Plan relates to the Christchurch-West Melton Zone and what the Selwyn Waihora sub-regional chapter (which will feed in to the LWRP) means for zone.

The committee will finish the public meeting with a presentation from Environment Canterbury on groundwater hydrology in the zone to further inform the development of its ZIP.

Meeting details:

Christchurch – West Melton Zone Committee meeting
6pm, Thursday, 25 October
The Boardroom, Wigram Manor, 14 Henry Wigram Drive

Read the agenda