Positive Ageing - Swift Action Vital with Strokes
The chances of having a stroke increase with age.
Three-quarters of all strokes happen to people over age 65. Men are at higher risk than women.
Family history is a factor. So too is heart disease, diabetes and high blood cholesterol. Smoking, excessive alcohol and excess weight are all considered to contribute to increased risk.
It is important to recognise when someone is having a stroke and get immediate medical attention to minimise brain damage. Act immediately by calling 111.
Use the FAST response if you think someone may be having a stroke:
Face: is one side drooping?
Arms: raise both arms, is one sider weaker?
Speech: unable to speak, or words jumbled or slurred?
Time: Act fast and phone 111.
More information at www.stroke.org.nz
Marlborough Stroke Club, Ph: 03 578 8226.