Last chance to shape our future wastewater system

Christchurch City Council

Monday 29 October 2012, 7:49PM

By Christchurch City Council



It’s your last chance to have your say about how you’d like Christchurch’s wastewater system to look in 10, 30 or 100 years time.

Submissions on the draft Wastewater Strategy close next week, at 5pm on Thursday 8 November 2012.

The strategy will set a direction and vision for wastewater in Christchurch, informed by the community feedback provided through the consultation process,
says acting Natural Environment and Heritage Unit Manager Clive Appleton.

“We want a wastewater system that’s socially and culturally acceptable and sustainable for the whole community.”

The draft strategy looks at how to allow for future growth, without ruling out technologies and opportunities not yet available.

“We’d also like to create a more resilient system that uses more flexible materials and is easier to repair,” says Clive Appleton.

Other issues the strategy looks at include wet weather overflows, long-term wastewater treatment and disposal, and the use of treated wastewater and biosolids.

You can find out more about the draft Wastewater Strategy, and make a submission, at, on the Council’s Have Your Say website, or you can view a printed copy at open Council libraries and Service Centres or at the Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street.

Three community drop-in sessions, where people talked to staff about the strategy and made submissions, took place earlier this month in Little River,
Papanui and Woolston.