Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Committee meeting

Monday 5 November 2012, 5:50PM

By Environment Canterbury



The Orari-Opihi-Pareora (OOP) Zone Committee will hold its regular monthly meeting in Fairlie on Monday, 5 November.

The committee will begin the meeting by offering members of the public in attendance an opportunity to contribute, before going on to focus on biodiversity in the zone.

The zone committee’s biodiversity working group and Environment Canterbury staff are looking for projects that support biodiversity values in the zone and align with the priorities set by the committee.

To date the Orari-Opihi-Pareora Immediate Steps Programme has allocated around $120,000 to local biodiversity projects. One project has already been completed, two are on-going, and four projects commenced this year.

The committee will also be briefed on an aquatic weed incursion in the zone, and Environment Canterbury’s response to it. An infestation of yellow water-lilyhas been discovered in the Hazelburn stream. This is a significant discovery as the species was not previously known to be in the South Island. It is listed as a Surveillance Species in Canterbury’s Regional Pest Management Strategy and has an Unwanted Organism status.

Following this, the committee will receive an update on the Regional Committee, and on work on regional infrastructure. The Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS) identifies infrastructure as a means to contribute to all CWMS target areas. In particular, it can address future-proofing issues such as ecosystem support in a changing climate and water quality management through enhanced reliability and distribution efficiency.

The meeting will also be on considering the Lower Waitaki Zone Committee’s recommendation to change the Waitaki Allocation Plan. The Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Committee takes an active interest in the Waitaki Catchment and is keen to work with other zone committees on matters that may affect future access to water.

The committee will finish the meeting with updates from Environment Canterbury on its proposed Land and Water Regional Plan, consents in the zone, and an update from the Resource Management team.

The OOP Zone Committee operates as a joint committee of Environment Canterbury and the Timaru and Mackenzie District Councils. The zone extends south from the Rangitata River through to the Pareora catchment. It includes all of the Timaru district and parts of the Mackenzie and Waimate districts.


Meeting Details:

Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Committee meeting
9am, Monday, 5 November
Mackenzie District Council offices, Main Road, Fairlie

A full agenda will be available at prior to the meeting.