Social Media comes to the Bay

Tuesday 6 November 2012, 9:21AM

By Adage



Social media is nothing new, businesses and community groups are seeing that the medium works well to engage with supporters and customers.

After speaking at the recent National Maori Business and Economic Conference in September, Leonie Cairns of Onie Bone Digital and Graeme Russell of Adage Business have teamed up to present a full-day, hands-on social media workshop for business and community groups in the Tauranga area.

Leonie Cairns who works with local businesses to build their online presence will be discussing with attendees the best use of the tools available, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and more.

Ms Cairns says “With so many opportunities for business to gain from the use of social media the workshop will demonstrate what tools are best, how a business can develop a social media strategy and overall plan to grow their business.

“We want attendees to leave the workshop with the tools and information to enable them to get on the social media highway from day one.”

For community groups looking to see how they can make use of social media Graeme Russell, who specialises in working with community organisations will go through with attendees social media practices, reputation management and more.

“Community groups are struggling for their message to be heard, if they can grasp the use of social media they’re better able to connect and engage with supporters better than they may be able with the more traditional means they’re using now.

“We all know the cost of doing business is increasing, if we can help people make better use of their promotional budgets by using social media instead of mail-outs we know they’ll be in a better position to gain a potential higher return on their promotional and campaign budgets.”

Social Media Comes to the Bay will be held at the Hotel Armitage on Thursday 15th November, bookings can be made here.