New Council funding to support Central City projects

Christchurch City Council

Tuesday 6 November 2012, 4:33PM

By Christchurch City Council



Two new funds to support the recovery of Christchurch’s Central City have opened for applications.

The Christchurch City Council recently adopted terms of reference and delegations for the Creative Industries Support Fund and Transitional City Projects Fund which will enable the Council to respond to community-led recovery initiatives for the Central City as these emerge.

“The funds recognise the wealth of recovery ideas within the community that could quickly become a reality through the provision of small grants,” says the Council’s Urban Design and Regeneration Manager Carolyn Ingles.

The Council’s Creative Industries Support Fund is to support the establishment of affordable studio, exhibition and retail solutions for the creative sector.

Grants will be available to applicants whose proposals support the return of businesses and recovery of the Central City, support activities and art which reflect Christchurch’s unique identity and improve the environment for residents, visitors and businesses.

The Council’s Transitional City Projects Fund provides support to the community and private sector seeking to implement temporary projects which would activate vacant sites in the Central City.

For both funds, Council staff will review applications every two months and made quick decisions for grants of up to $15,000. Where applicants are seeking more than $15,000, staff recommendations will be made to the Council for approval.

The two funds will remain open for applications until May 2013 or until all funds are fully allocated.

For more information and application forms visit