Sumner's Draft Master Plan available for community comment

Christchurch City Council

Thursday 8 November 2012, 3:19PM

By Christchurch City Council



Residents and businesses are encouraged to tell the Christchurch City Council their views on the vision, goals and actions proposed in the Draft Sumner Village Centre Master Plan.

The Plan has been prepared to support the recovery and rebuild of Sumner’s Village Centre in response to the damage caused by the earthquakes.

The Plan will be available from Thursday 8 November in any of the Council’s open service centres and libraries. It is also available to view at several cafes within Sumner’s Village Centre and online at

The final date for public submissions is 5pm on Wednesday 12 December 2012.

Joint Advisory Group (JAG*) Chairman David Cox says, “Community leaders, land and business owners and local residents have put a lot of work and energy into developing the community-led Plan, which is really, really appreciated.

“Community involvement throughout the process, especially in its early stages, has meant the Plan has real relevance to local people and businesses. It is about creating a future that people want to contribute to and be part of. It is now up to the community to affirm that we are still on the right track.”

Comments can be:

Made online at Have Your Say

emailed to 

posted to

Draft Sumner Village Centre Master Plan
Freepost 178
Draft Sumner Village Centre Master Plan
Strategy and Planning Group
Christchurch City Council
PO Box 73012
Christchurch 8154


hand-delivered to Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street.

The Council is also holding drop-in sessions where people can view the Plan, discuss its content with Council staff and make submissions.

Draft Sumner Village Centre Master Plan drop-in sessions:

  • Wednesday 21 November 2012, 3.30pm–6.30pm
  • Saturday 24 November 2012, 10.30am–2pm


Old Sumner School Hall, 18–28 Wiggins Street, Sumner.

More information, including links documents and Have Your Say.

*The JAG provides guidance and support to the community-led master planning process for Sumner Village Centre. The JAG is made up of two representatives from the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board, six community representatives from Sumner Residents’ Association, the Sumner Urban Design Team, the Sumner Community Centre, and the Sumner Business Association, as well as two Christchurch City Council staff. The JAG provides a channel of communication between the project team and the wider community and contributes advice and local knowledge to the master planning project.