National Policy Statement Policy A1 Freshwater Management 2011
Marlborough District Council's Staged Programme for Implementing Policy A1 of the National Policy Statement: Freshwater Management 2011
Pursuant to Policy E1 of the National Policy Statement: Freshwater Management 2011, the Marlborough District Council gives public notice of its Staged Programme for Implementing Policy A1 of the National Policy Statement: Freshwater Management 2011.
The Marlborough District Council is currently reviewing the Marlborough Regional Policy Statement, the Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan and Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan. The policies of the National Policy Statement will be given effect to through this review process, with the exception of Policy A1. The new Marlborough Regional Policy Statement and Resource Management Plan will not include freshwater quality limits. A staged programme for setting freshwater quality limits has been adopted by the Marlborough District Council. This is available for public inspection at the offices of the Marlborough
District Council:
- 15 Seymour Street, Blenheim
- 67 High Street, Picton
Annual reporting on the staged programme will be described annually in the Marlborough District Council’s Annual Report prepared under the Local Government Act 2002.