Council approves Carr's Road pedestrian/cycle bridge concept design

Christchurch City Council

Friday 9 November 2012, 3:04PM

By Christchurch City Council



A proposed concept design for a pedestrian/cycleway bridge at Carr’s Road will go forward for detailed design after Councillors endorsed it yesterday.

The bridge which will provide an important connection across the newly constructed Southern Motorway along the alignment of Carr's Road for cyclists and pedestrians and will support the communities planned for the area either side of the new Southern motorway.

The bridge will also form part of the walking and cycleway network proposed in the South West Area plan, which supports the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy and integrates with the wider pedestrian and cycle networks included in the Christchurch Transport Plan.

In the earlier planning stages of the Southern motorway, there was a desire to create a ‘land mark or gateway bridge’ to mark the entrance to Christchurch. Councillors agreed yesterday that, given there is now the potential to locate a landmark structure in a suitable position closer to the City boundary within the planned second stage of the motorway, and the costs involved, the proposals for the bridge recommended by Council officers was the preferred option.

The estimated cost of the bridge is $3,333,523.

Councillors also requested staff to investigate incorporating additional design elements that fit within the budgeted amount at a later date if funding support from the New Zealand Transport Agency is provided .

At yesterday’s Council meeting, Councillors also agreed to write a letter to the Minister of Education in view of the widespread and deep community concern and interest in the recent education proposals. The letter will ask the Minister to extend the period of consultation beyond December 7 for those schools that desire an extension and ask her to allow the wider community to have an opportunity to consider these and other options in the context of the overall vision and plans for the future growth and development of our city.