Cannabis legalisation in US shows opportunity for NZ tourism

Monday 12 November 2012, 12:55PM

By NORML New Zealand


Norml New Zealand welcomes the legalisation of cannabis in the US states of Colorado and Washington and call for a similar law change here.

Norml vice-president Abe Gray said many people choose to visit and immigrate to New Zealand especially because of the laid back kiwi attitude and relaxed atmosphere.

"New Zealand has the highest rate of cannabis use in the developed world, and many of our tourists routinely solicit locals, looking to buy cannabis", said Mr. Gray

"By simply legitimising what is already happening all over New Zealand, time and time again, every day, we could be free of the harmful effects of prohibition on kiwis, and reaping the windfall revenues projected by Colorado and Washington"

Mr. Gray said Britain had also relaxed its cannabis laws in the last month.

“New Zealand needs to find a way to grow our tourism numbers without impacting on our already stretched recreational infrastructure.  Conventional wisdom is that we need more visitors to stay in cities for longer and spend more money, so we need some new niche tourism product to attract that type of visitor", said Mr. Gray

"Cannabis tourists love to just chill out and spend time checking out cafes and galleries. They also spend more on average than the typical backpacker.  Cannabis is yet another locally grown commodity that they would love to consume along with our world renowned wine and food.  But as kiwi business owners well know, if you want to make the most out of an emerging market, you have to be in before everyone else"

Previous New Zealand drug policy has seemingly always been to copy the US and the UK.  So lets keep copying them and reform our cannabis prohibition laws as recommended by the New Zealand Law Commission, and we can ride the green wave to economic prosperity.