The Most Sought After Skill In The ChCh Rebuild is....

Thursday 4 July 2013, 6:38PM

By RedPR


QS's Are Like Hen's Teeth in Christchurch Rebuild
QS's Are Like Hen's Teeth in Christchurch Rebuild Credit: RedPR



Quantity surveying.  That’s according to Christchurch executive recruitment company Decipher Group, which continues to cast its net widely searching for the elusive “QS looking for a job”.

Decipher co-director, Leanne Crozier, says interestingly a number of QS’s who are in employment say they are not looking for a new role now but want to keep the lines of communication open.

“There’s a great deal of pressure on QS’s working in Christchurch and they know there is plenty of work available, so they want to keep their options open,” she says.

Crozier says they are seeing more examples of young QS’s, “just out of training with a couple of years’ experience” being in strong positions to negotiate $100k plus, per annum jobs.

“There’s a big demand around the country and companies needing QS’s need them now and candidates know that,” she says.

Leanne Crozier says Decipher is increasingly filling QS roles with overseas candidates.

“We have several interviews next week with Irish, Australian and Indian applicants who are all keen to come to New Zealand, some with families. Interestingly potential candidates in small, rural South Island towns who in the past would have jumped at the opportunity in a bigger city, know they can bide their time because the demand is outstripping supply. They also use a job offer as a bargaining tool with their current employer and that is certainly what we are seeing.”

Canterbury regional secretary for the NZ Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Stewart Harrison, says he too has noticed a very large increase in demand, around the country.

“It’s not only the Canterbury region but right now we do have a very large number of Quantity Surveyors working on projects. Our membership is up, inquiries from both prospective employers and candidates has also increased. It’s hard work for QS’s in Christchurch and although there is plenty of work around, it’s worth considering whether the nature of the earthquake / rebuild work will become a negative for those who need variety in their jobs,” he says.

Quantity Surveyor and Project Manager at M2 Quantity Surveyors Annette Rutledge, says she is currently working seven days a week and up to 65 hours a week, and has been for the last 6 months. She says it has been difficult to get staff with construction experience, who can work unsupervised and deliver within the timeframes needed.

“At the moment there are loads of jobs on Trade Me for QS’s, pages and pages but there are just so many jobs vacant. We have just advertised for a QS, had two hits and from that two candidates to interview - and one wasn't qualified. I think burn-out will be a factor in a number of key rebuild roles, including Quantity Surveying,” Rutledge says.
ENDS    For more information, please contact Ali Jones 027 247 3112