Wairarapa Police urge young people to stay safe this Summer

Tuesday 22 November 2011, 1:03PM

By New Zealand Police



Wairarapa Police are urging young people, especially females, to keep themselves safe whilst out in town, as the party season begins.

Community Relations Coordinator Detective Sergeant Bill van Woerkom says Police are urging women to look after themselves and their friends when they're in town for a night out.

"Women must have a plan to get home safely, particularly when alcohol is being consumed and people have a tendency to lose their decision-making abilities."

He says at this time of year when the weather is warmer and exams draw to a close, young people tend to indulge in alcohol and we want parents to know where their children are and know how they are going to get home at the end of the night.

Detective Sergeant van Woerkom says young women need to know that drinking responsibly, looking after yourself and your friends makes the difference between a good night out and becoming the victim of a crime.

"There are plenty of really informative websites for young people and their parents which gives you plenty of tips on ensuring a safe, fun night out. We encourage you to check out and Stay Safe in the City on Facebook."