District Plan - Plan Change 8

Saturday 21 July 2012, 11:31AM

By Napier City Council



Public notice is given in accordance with Clause 5 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 that the Napier City Council has prepared the following Plan Change to the Operative City of Napier District Plan.

Plan Change 8: Pedestrian Accessways 

The purpose of this Plan Change is to add provisions into Chapter 61 “Transport” of the District Plan in order to balance the positive eff ects of walkways with negative eff ects that need to be considered when determining the long term future of the walkway. These changes strengthen the provisions relating to walkway safety and reference Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and Council’s Accessways (Pedestrian) Closure Policy.

Public Inspection

Plan Change 8 is available for viewing from Monday 23 July 2012 at the following locations:

  • Napier City Council Planning Department Reception (2nd Floor Library Building), Station Street, Napier;
  • Napier City and Taradale Public Libraries; and 

Any queries about, or requests for copies of Plan Change 8 should be made by telephoning a member of the Napier City Council’s Policy Planning team on (06) 835-7579.

Any person may make a submission on Plan Change 8. Submissions must be in writing and in the prescribed format (Form 5) of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees & Procedure) Regulations 2003. These forms are available from the Council’s Policy Planning team or submissions can be made online at: keyword: dpchanges

The closing date for submissions is 5.00pm Friday 24 August 2012

Public Participation Process
After the submission period has closed, the Council will publicly notify a summary of the decisions sought by submitters on Plan Change 8. Public notice will be given inviting any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest and any person that has an interest on the plan change greater than the interest the general public has, to make a further submission in support or opposition to any of the submissions received. The Council will then hold a hearing of the submissions. All eligible persons who made a submission or further submission and who requested to be heard will be advised when and where their submission will be heard. Every eligible submitter will be notifi ed of the Council’s decision on their submission and the reasons for that decision. Any eligible submitter who is not satisfi ed with the Council’s decision has the right to appeal the Council’s decision to the Environment Court.

All written submissions should be addressed to the Senior Policy Planner and:

Posted to: Napier City Council, Private Bag 6010, NAPIER 4142; or
Delivered to: Planning Department Reception (2nd Floor Library Building), Station Street, NAPIER; or
Faxed to: (06) 835 7574 (if you fax your submission, please post or deliver a copy to one of the above addresses).



Online District Plan Submission Form Version: Online Form
Plan Change 8 Pedestrian Accessways Version: pdf (485Kb)
Printable Submission Form Plan Change 8 Pedestrian AccesswaysVersion: pdf (214Kb)