Lower Brougham Street Reopens with a Party

Monday 26 November 2012, 2:47PM

By New Plymouth District Council



The city’s newest shared space will be officially opened with a celebration!

Lower Brougham Street opened for public use last week, and New Plymouth District Council is marking the opening with a street party from 10am to 2pm this Saturday (1 December).

The day will feature a market by the street’s retailers alongside a live band, storyteller and DJ.

“The revamp has generated a lot of interest from the public and a lot of people have seen for themselves how the shared space works,” says Let’s Go Project Manager Carl Whittleston.

“The street party is a great chance for everyone to spend some time in the area with their families. It’s also a good opportunity for the retailers – who have been so patient during the construction period – to enjoy the new streetscape with the public.

“This is a place where people driving, riding or walking share the area equally and at slow speed, reducing risk and increasing the ability to react and be courteous. It has a completely different atmosphere from elsewhere in city and it’s a great link from the central city to Puke Ariki Landing and the Coastal Walkway.”

The shared area has no kerbs and is a more open and friendly place than previously, and includes robust design elements that reflect the features of the Coastal Walkway and Puke Ariki Landing.

“It’s great to see the previous streetscape, which was old and very tired-looking, replaced with a modern, fresh design that emphasises shared use by everyone,” says Mr Whittleston.

“Its design is based on shared space concepts used around the world and has been adapted by the designers to make it suit this special site.”

This is the third Let’s Go streetscape in the city with Davies Lane in front of West End School completed, and the finishing touches being done to Pendarves Street between Liardet and Gover streets. These three projects have been funded jointly by NZ Transport Agency and New Plymouth District Council.