Port Hills MP Welcomes Council Decision

Friday 7 December 2012, 4:28PM

By Labour Party


The unanimous decision of Christchurch City Council to enable mitigation work to be considered on a case by case basis for Port Hills residents at risk of rockfall is a fantastic outcome and I congratulate the Council for this vote. local residents have made strong, consistent and considered presentations to Council over many months and I applaud their efforts.

This decision treats residents respectfully and will allow some real engagement to take place. Those who know that rockfall protection is feasible and want to live safely in their home now have a real chance to make this happen.

This decision is in stark contrast to the bizarre decision recently by CERA Minister Gerry Brownlee, who was told by his officials that rockfall protection was feasible and would save money, but who told them to stop work on this package.

The Councillors have listened to local residents and have made a truly fantastic decision. Thank you Councillors!