Secrecy Implicates Clean Energy Tech Sequestering

Monday 26 November 2007, 8:09AM

By J. James


“The Disclosure Project reports that government insiders have revealed the existence of a shadowy, highly classified, $100 billion/year program related to UFOs, including energy and propulsion systems that could solve the energy crisis.”

Just the mention of UFO’s and ET’s and an individual’s credibility seems to fly out the window. In the mainstream view of life the subject of UFO and ET’s are still the focus of much ridicule and derision. Thus any opportunity to expand the human experience is lost and the limited and rigid system of belief that demands allegiance to a narrow band of reality remains supreme. Government secrecy is the order of the day, despite testimonies from top military and air force brass who have witnessed UFO activity first hand. After decades of government denial and obfuscation of the issue, Dr Steven Greer founder of the Disclosure project reveals a program that blows the lid off government complicity in withholding information and technology that could help the world move from a fossil fuel energy source to a clean energy that is based on propulsion systems of UFO’s

Greer states “This disclosure would spell the end for oil, gas, coal and other conventional forms of power - and with that, the end of the current oil-based geopolitical order and economy. The truth is our tax dollars have been used to investigate this matter for decades and it is time for a dividend on that investment. The full disclosure of the facts will enable humanity to attain a sustainable civilization without global warming or the need for oil.”  Read rest of news report here

The international community must investigate these issues — "and stop looking the other way. Illegal secrecy, withholding solutions to our most pressing concerns, is one of the greatest moral and political crises of our time, if not the greatest one. The time has come that this publicly funded but “hijacked” research be made available for the benefit of all of humanity. That six billion humans continue to live in a manner that cannibalises our home planet while solutions are deliberately and with malice withheld cannot be allowed. No matter how great the financial or other interests may be in propping up the dying oil economy, we cannot let our oil addiction drag the entire body of humanity down with it."