New Recycling Calendars

Tuesday 18 December 2012, 2:38PM

By Wellington City Council



If you're wondering where the new recycling calendars are, you can now pick one up from your local library, our Service Centre on Wakefield Street, phone us on (04) 499 4444 to have one posted out to you, or look up your suburb:

List of Streets - Suburban Collections

Citioperations Manager Zac Jordan says we initially sent a calendar to each household while everyone was getting used to the new rubbish and recycling regime last year.

"We've since found that many people don't use them any more, and the money spent on sending them out to everyone could be better spent on some of our other services."


  • Two recycling bags equal one recycling bin - 26 bags should last six months.
  • Use Council rubbish bags (not recycling bags) for regular household waste. You can buy Council rubbish bags at your local dairy or supermarket or our Service Centre on Wakefield Street.
  • Put glass in your green crate - not recycling bags or wheelie bins.
  • Do not put broken glass or drinking glasses (which break easily) into the glass crate.
  • Only recycling in Council-approved containers - the glass crate, recycling bin or recycling bags - will be collected.
  • Only material that has been properly separated will be collected.
  • Hypodermic needles and syringes cannot  be recycled.


Zac wants to remind people that they can use two green recycling crates to recycle their glass.

"With the festive season upon us we've noticed an increase in recycled glass being put out. You can use another crate and it's easy to get one. Just pick one up for $15 from your local library or our Service Centre."

Service Centre