Draft Ferry Road Master Plan released for public comment
Christchurch City Council today released the Draft Ferry Road Master Plan (Phase One) for public comment. The Council-led Plan has been prepared to support commercial centres along Ferry Road in response to the damage caused by the earthquakes.
The Plan is available to view from Monday 28 January 2013 in any of the Council’s open service centres and libraries. It is also available online at Have Your Say
The final date for written comments is 5pm on Thursday 28 February 2013.
The Draft Ferry Road Master Plan is Phase One of a master planning project for the area. Due to the corridor’s size and the number of suburban centres along its length three distinct programmes of work have been identified, all of which will contribute to the final, overarching Plan for the area: the Ferry Road / Main Road Master Plan.
Phase One deals with the area between the city (Fitzgerald Avenue) along Ferry Road and Main Road to the Ferrymead Bridge only. Phase Two includes the portion of the corridor from Ferrymead Bridge to Sumner. The initial project scoping work for Phase Two has begun. A Council-led corridor study is also planned for Ferry Road that will help determine transport priorities for the road corridor. The Corridor Study is planned to start in early 2013 and will take several months to complete.
Phase One is a comprehensive, stand-alone Plan, however, as the other two associated programmes of work are progressed, adjustments to the Draft Ferry Road Master Plan (Phase One) may be required.
City Planning Unit Manager Brigitte de Ronde says Ferry Road is an important route connecting the city to the sea. It has strategic transportation functions for the whole city; as well as offering services to local communities.
“The Plan (Phase One) has carefully balanced the dual role of the corridor. It identifies and emphasises the needs of the local community in the design of public space while preserving and broadening the function of Ferry Road; and considers ways to build economic and social resilience into these areas.
“This has been one of the more challenging of the Council’s master plans to put together in terms of the size of the area and the number of commercial centres along its length that support local communities. These commercial centres are part of a wider commercial network, yet they have their own identity and focus and have suffered varying degrees of earthquake-related damage.
“The Plan is all about creating liveable, prosperous and vibrant futures for these areas. We now need to hear back from the community to know if the Plan delivers the things people want for the future of their local centres, and the area as a whole. I encourage people to make time to have their say on the Plan before consultation closes on Thursday 28 February 2013,” she says.
Comments can be made:
online at www.ccc.govt.nz/haveyoursay
emailed to FerryRoadMP@ccc.govt.nz
posted to
- Freepost 178
Draft Ferry Road Master Plan
Strategy and Planning Group
Christchurch City Council
PO Box 73012
Christchurch 8154
hand-delivered to Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street.
The Council is also holding drop-in sessions where people can view the Plan, discuss its content with Council staff and make submissions.
Come along anytime to one of the drop-in sessions and have your say:
- Monday 11 February 2013, 3.30pm–7pm
Woolston Community Centre, in Woolston Park, Ferry Road
- Tuesday 19 February 2013, 3.30pm–7pm
St Johns Anglican Church Hall, corner of St Johns and Ferry Road
To view the Draft Ferry Road Master Plan click here
To view the Summary Draft Ferry Road Master Plan click here
For more information visit www.ccc.govt.nz/suburbancentres