Committee Finds Councillor in Breach of Code of Conduct
New Plymouth District Council’s Monitoring Committee today unanimously resolved that Councillor Sherril George breached the Council’s Code of Conduct, following her recent letter published in the Taranaki Daily News.
The committee has recommended that the full Council find Cllr George in breach of the Code, with which all Councillors are required to comply.
Monitoring Committee Chairman Craig McFarlane says: “The committee agreed that Cllr George breached NPDC’s Code of Conduct by publicly criticising an employee in her letter to the editor.
“The Code specifically states that Councillors should avoid doing this and also that we should raise concerns about employees only with the Chief Executive, who is the employer of all NPDC staff.
“A number of Councillors took the opportunity to discuss recent staff resignations with the Chief Executive and were satisfied with the information provided. Councillor George had every opportunity to discuss her concerns with the Chief Executive but chose not to, instead using a letter to the newspaper to make her views known.
“Although Cllr George did not name the staff member who was the subject of her criticism, it was clear to anyone acquainted with our General Manager Community Services Cathy Thurston that this is who Cllr George was talking about.”
The full Council will consider the committee’s recommendation at its next meeting.
Councillor McFarlane adds: “All local authorities are required to adopt a Code of Conduct under the Local Government Act 2002. Once adopted all elected members are required to comply with the Code.
“The Code’s aim is not to limit free speech but to set a standard for the manner in which Councillors should conduct themselves while acting in their capacity as elected members.”
New Plymouth District Council’s Code of Conduct can be read at