Govt's meddling in schools misses the point

Tuesday 5 February 2013, 4:57PM

By Labour Party


The Government’s obsession with meddling with school funding is hugely disruptive, and is doing nothing to help improve children’s learning, says Chris Hipkins, Labour’s acting Education spokesperson.

“Reports that the Treasury wants to revisit the bulk funding of schools to encourage performance pay for teachers is just the latest ideological burp from the National Government that brought us increased class sizes and charter schools.

“Schools should be focused on improving educational outcomes for kids, not constantly engaged in never-ending funding battles.

“Bulk funding isn’t about children’s learning.  It isn’t about teacher quality. It is all about cost cutting and saving money.

“And it is the ultimate exercise in passing the buck.  Bulk funding is designed to allow the Government to duck responsibility for funding cuts by placing all the burden on schools.

“So now we know how Hekia Parata is going to fill the funding hole caused by the class size back-down – she’s going to make it the schools’ problem.

“Hekia Parata should concentrate on getting the basics right – paying teachers on time for example – instead of messing around with school funding,” says Chris Hipkins.