Bendon solves Mad Men star's tricky underwear issue.

Friday 22 March 2013, 5:20PM

By Lily&Louis


Friday 22 March

For immediate release

Bendon solves
Mad Men star’s tricky underwear issue

The big news hit headlines across the world yesterday. Jon Hamm, who plays Don Draper on the hit show Mad Men, had an awkward wardrobe issue.

The New York Daily News reported that, during filming of the sixth season of the show, Hamm was “politely instructed by a staffer at the [AMC] network to please wear underwear while shooting his scenes.” The source added: “This season takes place in the 1960s, where the pants are very tight and leave little to the imagination.”

A man notorious for disdaining underwear, Hamm had obviously been unable to find any he liked. Until now.

New Zealand underwear giant Bendon has rushed to the rescue, couriering a selection of Macpherson Men trunks to the star. Renowned for its masculine sex appeal, Macpherson Men boasts superior comfort and bright colour combinations – the ideal addition to Don Draper’s retro wardrobe.

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