Pressure Building in O-Max

Friday 30 November 2007, 4:10PM

By Simon Addison



With four out of six O-Max events run in Wellington and the Hutt Valley, a single point separates the top two in both mens and womens categories.

Ross Morrison leads Bryn Davies and Lizzie Ingham leads Piret Klade. The worst two events are dropped from the simple place-based formula, so it now becomes a matter of improving on those worst placings.

O-Max is a series of sprint races in which butterfly loops allow at least four runners to start at once. But over ten years, innovative course designers have set loops within loops, any-order controls, optional controls, dummy controls, the shape often suggested by the city venues used. This weeks race had a control in the sea.

Tim Robertson has already cleaned up the schoolboy class, and Laura (just named in the interim JWOC squad) is sure to take the girls. Their father John is leading the vets. Next week's race is in the concrete jungle of Massey's Wellington campus and Wgtn High school; the final will be in the actual jungle at Thunderball Adventure Games.