Six Reasons Why Business Must Focus on the Customer Experience

Thursday 9 January 2014, 9:11AM

By Customer Experiences Ltd


A recent Bloomberg Businessweek survey revealed that “delivering a great customer experience” has become the new imperative: 80% of the companies polled rated customer experience as a top strategic objective.

We agree with this survey and here are six reasons why.

1) A great customer experience has the potential of becoming a businesses sustainable competitive advantage in a world where sustainable competitive advantages are rare.
It’s important to note that we are talking about the development of a business strategy based around people, your team and your customers.

2) A great customer experience grows both loyalty and word of mouth recommendation in a world where loyalty is on the decline and customer recommendation is now the most powerful form of advertising.

3) A great customer experience increases team engagement and productivity in a country where 61 percent of employees reluctantly drag themselves out of bed each morning to go to work and productivity remains at very low levels.
Engagement comes from involvement. Our customer experience development program is based on the fact that “your people support what they create”. Everyone in your organisation plays a role in what you deliver your customers by way of an experience.

4) A great customer experience takes the focus off price in a highly competitive and commoditised market where the only competitive advantage business can come up with is price.
A customer experience strategy is focused on identifying and adding customer value that’s much more than just a focus on price.

5) A great customer experience and the business culture it creates plays a significant role in attracting the right people in a world where far to often we have the wrong people delivering an organisations customer experience.
The right people delivering your customer experience are vital. The key is identifying during your customer experience development what those right people look like.

6) A customer experience strategy capitalises on the teams innovation and creativity, two areas that are very much lacking in business and are the key to the on-going development of the experiences a business consistently delivers to its customers.
When you develop a creative culture within your business the magic starts happening. Check out our unique Creativity workshop.

Six measurable benefits that will make a significant contribution to the growth and profitability of a business as a result of a long-term commitment to the strategic approach to the development of their customer experience.

To access our free Customer Experience Development program visit

Chris Bell is the Managing Director of Customer Experiences, a company committed to building successful businesses through the development of high quality customer experiences and co-founder of cemNZ 027 2792360