Customer Experiences Ltd

159 posts | 21 images

Customer Experiences was launched in 2004 when it became obvious to founder Chris Bell that in the 21st century the quality of the experience an organisation consistently delivers would be the difference between long-term business success and failure.

Our commitment and passion is to educate the business community and develop unique Customer Experiences for organisations to ensure their long-term profitable growth in an increasingly competitive and commoditised world.


Customer Experiences Ltd is now New Zealand’s leading expert in the development and implementation of Customer Experience strategies and has worked with a broad range of businesses in a number of industries both as consultants and through our highly interactive and innovative seminars and workshops.


Joined June 2010
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Business 21 Jul 2014
Where Are All the Great Customer Experiences?

At a recent speaking engagement I asked delegates’ the following question “in the last 12 weeks how many have had a customer experience that exceeded your expectations”? After some hesitation only one person raised their hand to tell us about an amazing recent experience with a plumber.


Business 1 Jul 2014
Your Competitors Love Your Poor Customer Experience

 A recent RightNow survey found that sixty percent of customers changed suppliers due to poor experiences.


Business 1 Apr 2014
A Quality Customer Experience Now Achievable.....

A recent Bloomberg Businessweek survey revealed that “delivering a great customer experience” has become the new imperative: 80% of the companies polled rated customer experience as a top strategic objective.


Business 4 Feb 2014
Growing Employee & Customer Loyalty a Must in 2014.....

Business leaders are starting to realise that there is nothing more powerful than an organisation completely focused on both its people and customers.


Business 23 Jan 2014
Get the Tools Now to improve Your Service Experience

Businesses clearly understand the increasing importance of quality customer service experiences in an economy that will continue to get more competitive as more products and services become commoditised and price is the only competitive advantage most businesses can come up with to grow market share.


Business 20 Jan 2014
Focusing on the right Business Growth Strategies in 2014....

Short term strategies to try and meet monthly KPIs are severely affecting the longer term performance of many businesses.


Business 9 Jan 2014
Six Reasons Why Business Must Focus on the Customer Experience

A recent Bloomberg Businessweek survey revealed that “delivering a great customer experience” has become the new imperative: 80% of the companies polled rated customer experience as a top strategic objective.


Business 7 Jan 2014
Customer Experience the Centre of a Successful Growth Strategy......

A Customer Experience is not a nice to have it’s a must have if a business is going to grow in 2014 This warning comes from Chris Bell Managing Director of Customer Experiences an organisation that specialises in the development of quality customer experiences.


Business 6 Jan 2014
A Powerful Business Development Resource Now Available FREE.....

A recent survey in the USA highlighted the fact that most organisations understand the value a customer experience strategy can add to a business.


Business 10 Dec 2013
Business Has the tools to improve Customer Service

Businesses clearly understand the increasing importance of quality customer service experiences in an economy that will continue to get more competitive as more products and services become commodities and price is the only competitive advantage business can come up with to grow market share.


Business 26 Nov 2013
The No1 Mistake - Developing a Customer Experience Strategy

A lack of commitment from those with the responsibility of delivering an organisations customer experience is the most common issue we find when we are called in to work with a business to get their customer service experience back on track or develop a better more consistent experience.


Business 22 Nov 2013
Business Can Now Capitalise on a More Powerful Customer

 A recent Right Now customer survey found that 93 percent of us act on a customer’s recommendation over all other forms of advertising.


Business 18 Nov 2013
A Customer Experience Strategy Impacts the Entire Business

FREE Business Development Programme Now Available A customer experience strategy impacts every area of a business because every area of a business has an impact on the experience a business delivers to its customers.


Business 14 Nov 2013
New Online Program Supports Visitor Experience Objectives

The NZ Tourism 2025 development team has put an emphasis on improving visitor experiences as a vital step to achieving ambitious revenue growth forecasts for the industry.


Business 11 Nov 2013
Stand out from the Crowd...............

In today’s highly competitive and commoditized market business has two choices; continue to struggle in a “world of sameness” where the focus is on price as the only differentiator or develop a unique customer experience that delivers greater value resulting in increase loyalty and advocacy.


Business 4 Nov 2013
Customer Experience a Vital Part of a Growth Strategy......

A Customer Experience is not a nice to have it’s a must have if a business is going to grow in 2013/14 This warning comes from Chris Bell Managing Director of Customer Experiences an organisation that specialises in the development of quality customer experiences.


Business 31 Oct 2013
Business thinks it's TOO hard...

Developing a consistent quality customer experience is seen by the majority of organisations as too hard, in fact way to hard to even give it a go.


Business 29 Oct 2013
Unique Business Development Programme Free

It’s clear that organisations who concentrate on making sure their customers consistently receive a great experience will do much better than those that are focused only on price as their competitive advantage.


Business 18 Jul 2013
The One Thing Customer Focused Businesses Never Do

At first I thought it was just one or two businesses that did it.


Business 15 Jul 2013
Rental Car Companies Letting NZ Tourism Down Chris Bell- MD Customer Experiences

All I required on a very wet Queenstown morning was an umbrella to get me from the Airport terminal to my rental car or better still a staff member-suitably dressed, to bring my processed rental car to the terminal for me to drive off in.


Business 12 Jul 2013
Business Excellence is the result of a People Focus....

It’s very clear that organisations who concentrate on making sure their customers consistently receive a great experience will do much better than those that are focused only on price as their competitive advantage.


Business 2 Jul 2013
Empower Your People to Deliver Business Excellence Chris Bell

The rules of management are changing especially around the areas of customer service and customer experience delivery.


Business 11 Jun 2013
Customers Have Plenty of Options..........

The recent RightNow survey found that 61 percent of New Zealanders removed their business from companies whose service didn’t meet their expectations.


Business 27 May 2013
CEMNZ Launches a Unique Business Development Workshop......

Thinking that smart marketing laced with sharply discounted deals will replace disgruntled customers is no longer a sustainable business strategy in today’s highly competitive and commoditised economic environment.


Business 20 May 2013
CEMNZ A Unique NZ Business Resource......

Two of New Zealand’s leading experts in customer care and customer experience management, in partnership with New Zealand Business magazine have launch a unique business resource that gives both SMEs and business advisors working in the areas of customer experience and business development the opportunity to access the latest information, products and services.


Business 13 May 2013
A Powerful Business Performance Strategy ...........

Business leaders are starting to realise that there is nothing more powerful than a totally committed organisation that is completely focused on both its people and customers.


Business 6 May 2013
Looking Forward With Certainty

Two things became very clear to me back in 2003.


Business 22 Apr 2013
Turning Customers into Loyal Fans.

The recent RightNow survey found that 61 percent of New Zealanders removed their business from companies whose service didn’t meet their expectations.


Business 16 Apr 2013
A New Tourism Industry Focus.........

It has been abundantly clear for a number of years now that just focusing on the customer service development of frontline staff is not the way to improve visitor service and experience levels across the industry according to Chris Bell Managing Director of Customer Experiences a company that specialises in the development of quality customer experiences.


Business 4 Apr 2013
Do You Want Super Stars Delivering Your Customer Experience?

For most businesses this is the dream.


Business 2 Apr 2013
Adopt a Customer Focus or Pay the Price.......

Succeeding in business is not rocket science: focus on the customers and deliver a quality experience that exceeds their expectations.


Business 26 Mar 2013
Who is Your Customer Experience Super Star?

 They are unique people, difficult to find and keep if you are not providing the right supportive culture.


Business 25 Mar 2013
Customers Are Willing to Pay More For a Better Experience....

Look after your customers by delivering consistent quality experiences and you stand a good chance of being one of a very small select number of businesses that are benefiting from increased customer loyalty and word of mouth recommendations.


Business 21 Mar 2013
Stand out from the Crowd...............

In today’s highly competitive and commoditized market business has two choices; continue to struggle in a “world of sameness” where the focus is on price as the only differentiator or develop a unique customer experience that delivers greater value resulting in increase loyalty and advocacy.


Business 18 Mar 2013
Choice Gives Customers More Power....

Excuse me you couldn’t recommend a company that fixes……… a recent Right Now customer survey found that 93 percent of us act on a customer’s recommendation over all other forms of advertising.


Business 14 Mar 2013
A Powerful Business Development Resource Now Available FREE.....

A recent survey in the USA highlighted the fact that most organisations understand the value a customer experience strategy can add to a business.

Chris Bell


Business 12 Mar 2013
Winners are Focused on Their People & Customers

The decision to develop and implement a customer experience strategy is a no brainer.   Name one organisation that wouldn’t like: • A competitive advantage that is difficult for competitors to copy.


Business 18 Feb 2013
3 Options for Business Growth in 2013

As we move into an increasingly competitive and commodity driven 2013 business, especially in the service industry, is struggling for ideas and strategies that will bring about growth and increased profitability.


Business 15 Jan 2013
Empower Your People to Deliver Great Customer Experiences - Chris Bell

The rules of management are changing especially around the areas of customer service and customer experience delivery.


Business 27 Dec 2012
Top 12 Business Challenges in 2013

There has been plenty of talk lately about the changes businesses will need to make if they are to see growth in 2013 Customer Experiences Managing Director Chris Bell has listed 12 areas that business will need to gain a greater understanding of, if business performance is to improve.


Business 26 Dec 2012
"Six Reasons Why You Should Develop a Customer Experience Strategy in 2013"

If you assume that what you have been doing in 2012 will be the best way forward in 2013, we urge you to think again for these six reasons.


Business 7 Dec 2012
Customer Experience Not an Add-on

Regardless of the rhetoric around the importance of a customer focused culture most businesses see a customer experience strategy as a nice to have rather than a vital part of a successful business plan.


Business 6 Dec 2012
Tourism Visitor Experience Not an Add-on

Regardless of the rhetoric around the importance of a visitor focused tourism culture most businesses see a visitor experience strategy as a nice to have rather than a vital part of a successful business plan.


Business 3 Dec 2012
Great Employee Experiences = Great Customer Experiences

According to a study on Customer Experience Management by the Aberdeen Group, customer retention is 82% for companies with a high level of customer engagement practices versus 24% for laggard companies.


Tourism 26 Nov 2012
Visitor Experience not Being Taken Seriously by Tourism Industry

Businesses within the tourism industry are still not making visitors their number one priority and as a result a concerning trend is developing that has the potential to significantly impact individual business performance and the overall industry.


Business 26 Nov 2012
Customer Experience the Vital Piece of the Business Puzzle

Business is still not making customers their number one priority and as a result a concerning trend is developing that has the potential to significantly impact business performance.


Business 30 Oct 2012
NZ Small Business Missing Out

A new unique online customer experience development program is taking off internationally but has had slow uptake from New Zealand business.


Business 26 Oct 2012
A Powerful Customer Service Improvement Program

Profit and growth are stimulated primarily by employee and customer loyalty.


Business 23 Oct 2012
Do You Have a Customer Experience Plan?

This question should be quickly followed by another important question; do you think you need such a plan? The answer to both these questions by most New Zealand businesses will be no.


Business 22 Oct 2012
Do it Now or Suffer the Consequences .......

Succeeding in business is not rocket science: focus on the customer and deliver a quality experience that exceeds their expectations.


Business 17 Oct 2012
Visitors Unlikely to Recommend NZ

The latest Visitor Expectations Monitor (VEM) found that 21 percent of visitors were unlikely to recommend New Zealand as a visitor destination.


Business 16 Oct 2012
Don't Visit NZ Unless You Speak English..... Chris

 This is the message we are currently sending to visitors from our vitally important Asian growth markets.


Business 5 Oct 2012
Customer Experience More Than Customer Service

When we use the term customer experience we are referring to every aspect of a business because everything a business does will have some kind of impact on the consistency and quality of the eventual experience delivered to customers.


Business 1 Oct 2012
Customer Experience NOT the Flavour of the Month

Don’t even think about developing a customer experience strategy for your business unless your organisation is fully committed long-term.


Business 24 Sep 2012
Time to Deliver Real Results in Tourism

The anticipated merger of ATTTO, the Hospitality Standards Institute (HSI) and the Retail Institute is a timely opportunity for these ITOs to step back and take a good hard look at why they are not making more progress in raising service standards within the visitor industry.


Business 19 Sep 2012
Exceeding Visitors' Expectations a Must

The future success of the tourism industry will be directly aligned with the consistency and quality of the experience delivered according to Chris Bell Managing Director of Customer Experiences a company that specialises in customer experience and service development.


Business 18 Sep 2012
Product and Customer Experience Getting the Combination Right

In today’s highly competitive and commoditised world where as consumers we are bombarded every day with deals, business is starting to realise that its now more than just the deal we are after if they are going to get the sale.  Lets face it customers have all the power that power comes from choice and the ability via technology to be better informed.


Business 17 Sep 2012
Make Sure You Put People before Technology

 A 2012 customer experience index survey has found that human interaction is the clear preference for New Zealanders over automated response systems and that is not about to change according to Chris Bell Managing Director  of Customer Experiences Ltd a company that specialises in the development of quality customer experiences.


Business 13 Sep 2012
The Single Most Important Factor in Business Success

Chris Bell – I have yet to come across an organisation that doesn’t talk about their commitment to the customer and the importance of their customer service experience.


Business 4 Sep 2012
The right strategies to improve business growth and profitability.......

Short term strategies to try and meet monthly KPIs are severely affecting the longer term performance of many businesses.


Business 3 Sep 2012
A Customer Experience Strategy Does Not Fix Everything

Some businesses are beginning to think that the adoption of a customer experience strategy is the new miracle cure for all business woes.


Business 29 Aug 2012
Your Customers Have All the Power....

Excuse me you couldn’t recommend a company that fixes……… a recent Right Now customer survey found that 93 percent of us act on a customer’s recommendation over all other forms of advertising.


Business 27 Aug 2012
Customer Service Training At All Time Low.........

A recent Colmar Brunton – David Foreman training survey found only 17 percent received training related to customer service in the last 12 months.


Business 24 Aug 2012
A Rare Sustainable Competitive Advantage

In a highly competitive market where a competitive advantage is rare it seems crazy to even talk about sustainable competitive advantages.


Business 20 Aug 2012
Business thinks it's TOO hard...

Developing a consistent quality customer experience is seen by the majority of organisations as too hard, in fact way to hard to even give it a go.


Business 17 Aug 2012
Start walking the Talk.......

Why is it that so many Kiwi companies fail to gain and retain customers? Chris Bell outlines how a total customer focused strategy can have a massively positive impact on business.


Business 30 Jul 2012
Customer Service Training Alone is a Waste of Money......

A quick fix approach to improving customer service is ineffective and a business cost rather than an important investment.


Business 23 Jul 2012
The Right People are Today's Competitive Advantage

The right people want to work for organisations that motivate and provide opportunities to be the very best they can be.


Business 17 Jul 2012
How aligned is your marketing message with your customer experience?

In many cases way out of alignment why? The number one reason is competition, followed closely by complacency due to an inside out operational focus (research shows that most businesses think they are delivering a better customer experience than our customers think we are).


Business 16 Jul 2012
Slash Your Business Costs Now...........

Business costs are sky rocketing at the same time as competition is rapidly increasing both off and on-line resulting in even more pressure on margins and putting more businesses under pressure.


Business 12 Jul 2012
Customers Watch Out For Better Service......

Look after your customers by delivering consistent quality experiences and you stand a good chance of being one of a very small select number of businesses that are benefiting from increased customer loyalty and word of mouth recommendations.


Business 6 Jun 2012
Getting Back to Basics

Interesting comments from ANZs chief economist Cameron Bagrie at a recent NZ Hotel industry conference suggesting that business should return to the basics.


Business 17 Apr 2012
Retailers Still Don't Get It

Provide an ordinary in store experience in today’s market and the chances of getting customers to visit your store are becoming increasingly less likely.


Business 16 Apr 2012
Tourism Industry Still Hasn't Learnt

Back in the 80s we identified Japan as a growth visitor market and spent millions of marketing dollars attracting them to visit.


Business 13 Apr 2012
Your People Support What They Create

It was suggested in a recent Fairfax article that one of the biggest challenges for companies “is to get employees to share their best ideas”.


Business 11 Apr 2012
Change the Leadership Focus to Deliver Excellence

The rules of management when it comes to the development of a quality customer experience an experience that becomes an organisations sustainable competitive advantage are changing.


Business 13 Mar 2012
Free Business Download a Huge Success

A free customer experience development guide  has just been removed from the web after businesses from around the world have taken advantage of this unique opportunity.


Business 12 Mar 2012
NZ Business –Wasting Money on More Marketing

A recent MYOB business survey found that the two main priorities for Christchurch businesses was understandably customer retention and customer acquisition.


Business 12 Feb 2012
Popular Free Business Download to END

A popular and unique customer experience development guide available as a free download is to finish in the next few days.


Business 8 Feb 2012
More Marketing Not the Answer......

A recent MYOB business survey found that the two main priorities for Christchurch businesses was understandably customer retention and customer acquisition.


Business 31 Jan 2012
Turning Management Upside Down Delivers Excellence

The rules of management when it comes to the development of a quality customer experience an experience that becomes an organisations sustainable competitive advantage are changing.


Business 23 Jan 2012
Focus on Your Customer a Must in 2012

Less than 5 percent of New Zealand businesses have a clear customer experience strategy in place.


Business 16 Jan 2012
The Number One Business Mistake – by Chris Bell

I am often asked what the one thing is that’s holding business back from developing and capitalising on a consistently delivered quality customer experience.


Business 13 Dec 2011
Business is struggling.....

Many SMEs are struggling and it’s only going to get tougher due to increasing competition, high employee disengagement and pressure on margins as many businesses are finding increasingly difficult to differentiate themselves from their competitors.


Business 6 Dec 2011
Retailers must offer more than just a deal this Christmas.

In a highly competitive and commoditised retail environment offering just a deal this Christmas will not be enough.


Business 30 Nov 2011
A Vital & Unique Business Resource Now Available......

Three of New Zealand’s leading experts in customer care and customer experience management, in partnership with New Zealand Business magazine have launch a unique business resource that gives both SMEs and business advisors working in the areas of customer experience and business development the opportunity to access the latest information, products and services.


Business 9 Nov 2011
Get it Right or Pay the Price.......

Marketing unattainable brand promises to try and entice customers in the door is not only a total waste of resources.-it can cause more long term damage via negative customer word of mouth than most businesses realise.


Business 8 Nov 2011
Customer Recommendation a Winning Formula

The recent RightNow survey found that 61 percent of New Zealanders removed their business from companies whose service didn’t meet their expectations.


Business 31 Oct 2011
A Chance to Stand Out With a Unique Customer Experience

How do you develop and implement a customer experience strategy that will become your sustainable competitive advantage? That was the question only 13 percent of respondents could answer in a recent US survey, however, 80 percent understood the importance of a customer experience strategy to their business.


Business 25 Oct 2011
Some Telcos & Power Companies Don't Deserve Your Business...

Last weeks Colmar Brunton NPS survey results for Power and Telecommunication companies reported on TVNZs Fair Go programme confirmed what most customers already know from first hand experiences.


Business 25 Oct 2011
A Vital Element Missing In Business......

“Your People Support What They Create” There are two reasons the consistency and quality of customer service experiences are lacking in this country.