Cyclone Lusi & The Evidence Of Weather Modification

Friday 14 March 2014, 9:16AM



 Aerosol Trails Adjacent Cyclone Luci at 10pm, March 13, 2014.
Aerosol Trails Adjacent Cyclone Luci at 10pm, March 13, 2014. Credit: Satellite Image From
Mass of Aerosol Trails Sprayed In Path of Cyclone Lusi?
Mass of Aerosol Trails Sprayed In Path of Cyclone Lusi? Credit: Clare SWINNEY

Northland NZ Chemtrails Watch

According to, Cyclone Lusi was a “severe tropical cyclone” on the afternoon of March 13, after reaching the category 3 status overnight.

The storm is moving over the Pacific Ocean towards the north of New Zealand and is predicted to weaken before it makes landfall. However, according to, it will still retain severe gales and torrential rain, as the centre moves in on Saturday evening and early Sunday morning.

Not surprisingly, there is evidence of weather modification technology being utilized via the use of aerosols, which according to the US Department of Homeland Security, can be used to either weaken or intensify a cyclone, depending on how they are deployed within the circulation.

The following image from the website, was found under the heading: ‘Tasman Sea-NZ-Infrared.’  Note the aerosol trails dispersing above Cyclone Lusi in the screen shot at this link:

Also, take a look at these below.  This is satellite imagery for the afternoon of March the 13th from ‘Rapidfire’ and show the area over the Pacific Ocean to the east of the top of the North Island, in the vicinity of where cyclone Lusi appeared to be heading. It appears to show numerous aerosol trails, sprayed in parallel, to create a mass of aerosol cloud in the impending path of the cyclone.  It may be that the weather engineers aim to reduce the amount of rain the cyclone would otherwise have produced in order to provide little relief for the drought-stricken farmers in Northland and the Waikato?

There is a vast body of evidence to show weather modification technology is being used in New Zealand. Aluminium, barium and strontium,  which evidence shows are elements used in the aerosols, have been found repeatedly in rainwater around the country since at least 2010.  The rainwater analyses, many of which are from R J Hill Laboratories, can be found on the Northland NZ Chemtrails Watch website.



Hurricane Katrina Engineered With Aerosols For Maximum Destruction

FRANKENSTORM: SANDY (Like Katrina) is a HAARP and Aerosol Geoengineered Hurricane

Weather Modification under the DHS,  Hurricane Aerosol Microphysics Program (HAMP): The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been operating under operation “HAMP” to modify hurricanes.  In a presentation to the American Meteorological Society, Joe Golden confirmed that tropical cyclones could be weakened or intensified depending on how aerosols are deployed within the circulation.

Hurricane Aerosol and Microphysics Program (HAMP) A Division of the American Meteorological Society. circa 2008 – DHS Funds Research on “Taming” Hurricanes

Hurricane Aerosol and Microphysics Program (HAMP) A Division of the American Meteorological Society. circa 2008 – DHS Funds Research on “Taming” Hurricanes