Shirley Papanui Gardeners Show Their Colours at Annual Awards


Thursday 14 April 2016, 11:35AM

By RedPR


Community Board Member Barbara Watson and winners Mike and Karen Gilligan
Community Board Member Barbara Watson and winners Mike and Karen Gilligan Credit: Nikola Marinkovic


Yellows, blues and pinks abounded at the Annual Shirley Papanui Community Pride Garden Awards ceremony earlier this month.

Held at the appropriately named Elms Hotel, the garden awards ceremony attracted 82 guests made up of the recipients and friends and families of the recipients. 144 Certificates of Participation were awarded.

Guest speaker was well-known gardening personality and former Ellerslie judge Rachel Vogan, and Ron Andrew the President of the Christchurch Beautifying Association. Ms Vogan encouraged the audience to introduce someone to gardening who hadn’t gardened before.

“It’s so exciting to see someone really get into growing and gardening especially when they haven’t done it before. You are all to be congratulated for your dedication and I’d encourage you to share your passion and skills with other,” she said.

Also in attendance were council officers, 5 members of the Shirley Papanui Community Board, the 2 city councillors from the ward and 5 representatives of the Christchurch Beautifying Association.

The Shirley Papanui Community Board Edible Garden Awards take place tonight (14 April) at the Canterbury Horticultural Hall, 57 Riccarton Ave, from 6pm). Councillor Ali Jones is quietly confident she will take out the “newcomer” award.

“The garden was looking good when the judges came and I offered tea and cake which I hope might just have swung things,” she said.