Elliott medal group loaned to army museum

Thursday 13 December 2007, 11:34AM

By New Zealand Defence Force



Doug Elliott has loaned his family medal group, which his father Keith Elliott VC had worn from approximately 1965 until his death in 1989, to be used by the Army Museum until the stolen medals are returned.

The medal group of Keith Elliott, including his Victoria Cross, was one of number of gallantry medals stolen in a break-in of the Waiouru Army Museum earlier this month.

During his visit to Waiouru, Doug Elliott spoke to the Museum staff collectively and met all staff individually to express his total support to the museum in their actions to date.

He said the loaning of his family medal group was in support of the Museum’s role to exhibit to the nation the artefacts of our forebears.

Mr Elliott also took the opportunity to allow the staff to view many albums his family had compiled over the years on their brave father and on many of his father’s fellow VC friends and on other solders under his command.

Keith Elliott was awarded the Victoria Cross for actions in 1942.

The citation for his Victoria Cross read:

"On 15 July 1942 at El Ruweisat Ridge, Western Desert, Sergeant Elliott was wounded in the chest while leading his platoon in an attack under heavy machine gun and mortar fire. Nevertheless, he carried on and led his men in a bayonet charge which resulted in the capture of four enemy machine-gun posts and an anti-tank gun. Seven of the enemy were killed and 50 taken prisoner. In spite of his (four) wounds Sergeant Elliott refused to leave his platoon until he had reformed them and handed over the prisoners, the number of which had by then increased to 130."

As part of the investigation the Police have set up a hotline number for anyone to give information to on the burglaries.

The OPERATION VALOUR contact number is 0800 349 0600.