Become a Toyboy and help Older Ladies

My good deed done for the day…
I should have been working, however I decided to go for walk through Northlands Shopping Centre. I saw this beautiful, stylish elderly lady standing in the middle of the arcade with a walking stick. I didn’t ask, but I think she would have been in her mid 80’s. We made eye contact – she signalled for me to come over, so I did.
She explained that she had lost all sense of direction and needed some help. She was on a mission – she needed to get to Ticketek to buy two tickets to see Swan Lake (Imperial Russian Ballet Company). She had been to the ballet when she was eight years of age and wanted to go again! I did say do you realise that you can purchase tickets online she replied ‘oh I don’t do all that’.
Next, here I am, arm in arm walking this dear old lady towards the Ticketek stand. She did keep saying ‘this is lovely’ along with many ‘thank you’s’. It was like we were on a date! The TickeTek ladies were also very helpful and they were trying to figure out how I fitted in to the picture. I said I picked her up in the arcade! To be honest it was quite funny, I felt like a real toyboy!
After she secured her tickets, I escorted the lady back to her vehicle. On the way back I asked the lady what she did for a living when she was working. She used to own a textile company and had many people working for her, along with a whole factory of machinery that she kept accumulating. She also told me about some trials and tribulations about how she expanded the business over the years, telling me it was a very cutthroat business. It was all privileged information and was an awesome story of great value to me, it was just a fantastic experience for each party involved.
She left me with a smile on my face and a good story to tell!
So next time you’re aimlessly walking around at a Shopping Mall, look out for the elderly and give them a hand (if they need it). It’s very rewarding and fun being a toyboy!