8 posts | 14 images
We are a progressive and forward thinking organisation that brings ‘decision makers’ together each week for an hour of interactive business networking.
More than just a business networking company, ELITE : SIX’ decision maker, DANNY : DE HEK, has the goal to facilitate the best business networking company in New Zealand. He is dedicated to finding people who share the same values and that strive to be better versions of themselves.
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When you hear the word dyslexia, what do you think of? Would I be right if I said people that can't spell properly and they get their words around the wrong way?
I have just been to one of my meetings and I was watching a visitor who had come along to Elite6 for the 1st time and it inspired me to write this blog! If you're not familiar of the structure of our meetings... each person speaks for five minutes about their business while sitting at a table of up to six.
I saw this beautiful, stylish elderly lady standing in the middle of the arcade with a walking stick. I didn't ask, but I think she would have been in her mid 80's. We made eye contact – she signalled for me to come over, so I did.
Have you ever felt that if you were not on the earth that no one would miss you? Have you ever lost your ambitions, your drive, your sense of belonging? Had no real direction in life or more importantly no purpose? My wife asked for a divorce and my appendix burst... and this all happened within 24 hours.
Relationships Danny de Hek's Toastmasters Speech 26/09/2014 I’m practicing to be an ordained minister so today my speech well “my sermon” is going to be about Relationships.
Mongrel - definition - A mongrel, mutt, or mixed-breed dog is a dog that belongs to no single organizationally recognized breed and is not the result of selective breeding.
I have something in common with the following people; Richard Branson, Pablo Picasso, Alexander Graham Bell, Einstein, Nigel Kennedy, John Lennon, Walt Disney, Tommy Hilfiger, Andy Warhol, Whoopi Goldberg, Henry Wrinkler (Fonzie!), Danny Glover.