Art Explosion at Rangi Ruru as Art Students Exhibit and Host Visiting Exhibition


Friday 27 October 2017, 12:59PM

By RedPR


Nina van Pallandt's drypoint intaglio print 'Memories'
Nina van Pallandt's drypoint intaglio print 'Memories' Credit: Rangi Ruru


Rangi Ruru’s One Day Art Display will run from 8am-4pm on Wednesday 1 November however due to demand, an additional opportunity to view the works will be made available on Tuesday 31 October, 6-730pm.

Head of Visual Arts, Kate Rivers says she is excited about the rich and diverse learning produced this year.

“We are particularly impressed by the high level of technical skill and depth of thinking evident in many of the NCEA submissions. I know the students are looking forward to sharing and celebrating their work with the wider community.”

The work being displayed include art works, portfolio and scholarship submissions from Rangi’s Year 7-13 Art, Art History, Design, Media Studies, Painting Photography, Printmaking and Textiles students.

“A number of our Year 13 students also have their art work in the Honour Ring exhibition which opens on the 31st Oct. The Honour Ring is an exhibition of mainly established, well known New Zealand printmakers, plus some invited emerging printmakers from Pukekohe High and Rangi Ruru. All works are for sale. The exhibition was shown in Auckland earlier this year and we are delighted to be able to bring the show to Christchurch,” says Kate Rivers.

One Day Art Display will run from 8am-4pm on Wednesday 1 November and on Tuesday 31 October, 6-730pm. In the Art Department, upstairs in Art/Tech Block, corner of Hewitts Road and Merivale Lane.

Honour Ring opens Oct 31 in the Rangi Ruru Artist in Residence Gallery, upstairs, Art Department, corner Hewitts Rd and Merivale lane. Exhibition continues 1 Nov-21 Nov, 2017


Note: Anna Bruce, Year 13 at Rangi Ruru, has just had one of her pieces purchased by the Wallace Art Trust, in Auckland. The Trust buys pieces when it sees talent in an artist, as a way to add to its collection while the artist is still unknown. Anna also has six commissions that she will be working to complete over the summer. This young woman is a part of the Honour Ring exhibition.                                                


The Honour Ring Exhibition – works on display

Opening 6-7.30pm Tuesday 31st October, Rangi Ruru Artist in Residence Gallery,

Upstairs, Art Department, corner Hewitts Rd and Merivale lane

Exhibition continues 1 Nov-21 Nov, 2017


Printmakers from Rangi Ruru Girls’ School, Christchurch are:

Anna Bruce

Michelangelo Fear (Drypoint) – Edition of 4

In this artwork I honour the faith in God Michelangelo had despite his fear of eternal damnation.  Michelangelo was a devout Catholic, but his homosexuality created an overwhelming sense of guilt inside him because if his belief that he was a sinner.  I am fascinated by Michelangelo’s love of a God whom he believed would condemn him.  This artwork is called ‘Michelangelo’s fear,’ as it illustrates the fear Michelangelo had of being shunned by God. You may notice that the hands in this work are the opposite way around from the original fresco, and Adam’s hand is higher than God’s.  This reflects the idea that perhaps God did not create man, but man created God.  Would Michelangelo have been relieved if he thought man created God, because he would no longer be condemned, or would he be heartbroken in the absence of the divine?



Nina van Pallandt

Honouring Family (Drypoint intaglio print with manipulated plate tone) – Edition of 3

In this print, I choose to honour my family. I treasure my many memories with my sisters and I wanted to capture a moment in time of our childhood and preserve one of the special moments we had together. 



Juliet Revell

Honouring Darkness (Drypoint intaglio print) – Edition of 5

At first glance this may seem odd however I don't think the good times, the light, is ever truly appreciated if we have not seen the bad times, the darkness, as well, so many things we have are taken for granted and we are only ever truly thankful for them when we have been without them.



Grace Eglinton

Where the Sea meets the Sky (Ink jet print and monoprint) – Edition of 4

This contemplative work honours precious memories of my father.



Meg Dutton

Honouring Nature (Drypoint and Monoprint) – Edition of 4

This drypoint and monoprint honours and celebrates the beauty of nature. The soft, gentle pink tones give a sense calm and creates a quiet space in which to contemplate.



Abi Williams

Friends (Monoprints) – Edition of 5

Friendship is something that I honour as a necessity of life. The idea that prints of my own friends could be viewed by, or even hung in the homes of strangers intrigued me. Just like people in life, these prints are imperfect and are not identical to one another.




Charlotte Bowman

Change (One off monoprint/relief prints x 5)

A change has presented itself. This change is one that allows me independence and individuality. The freedom to be the person I want to be without fear of consequences or regret. I am honoured to have the ability to attempt to freely remove myself from societies expectations.



Charlotte Corkery

Bunny (woodcut) – Edition of 5

This work honours Dee Copeland, who taught me to draw when I was younger. Her love of nature and attention to detail when observing and recording textures and forms, have inspired me. Some of the taxidermy animals in our still lives at Rangi Ruru were gifted by Dee and her partner Barry Cleavin. This work honours their generosity of spirit and passion for printmaking.



Ella Brownrigg

Honouring Artemis (monoprints with stitching) – Edition of 3

This work is part of a larger body of images inspired by Artemis, in particular her role as the goddess and protector of young women.



Kate Rivers

Honouring my Lineage (embossed print) – Edition of 5

This piece of handwork honours my mother and grandmother and represents the values I have learnt from them and pass onto our children. Their mindfulness around waste, great sense of thrift and ability to create beautiful objects, often from materials discarded by others, inspires me and my printmaking practice.



Other students who are part of the show are Rose Pearson, Kathryn Ford and Isabella Soloman.

Opening also on 31st October at 6pm is Rangi Ruru Alumnae, Susie Millichamp's show 'Impressions' Oil paintings and Watercolours in Rangi's Baird Gallery, and the launch in the Art Dept of Shelter magazine, the Aroha edition.


What is Printmaking?


Printmaking is the process of making artworks by printing, normally on paper. Printmaking normally covers only the process of creating prints that have an element of originality, rather than just being a photographic reproduction of a pai