Improper Flood Carpet Drying Mould Making you Sick

Thursday 8 November 2018, 6:56PM

By Auckland Steam n Dry


 Carpet mould can produce unpleasant odours, degrade your carpet, and cause wheezing in asthma sufferers. Check underneath furniture regularly, in order to catch mould at the surface of the carpet. If the mould has reached the carpet's backing, it will be significantly harder to treat, but there are still several remedies to try.

Many flooded homes have produced sick building syndrome as a result of improper carpet drying and the walls, jib, skirting building also.

Experts such as Auckland Steam n Dry carpets use truck mount steam water extraction, large dehumidifier rental, carpet dryers, and moisture meters to help ensure your home has a full flood recovery.

DIY Flood Drying
Removing Carpet Mould with Home Supplies
Inspect the carpet. If the mould has reached the backing at the base of the carpet, it may take considerable effort to remove. Consider hiring a professional carpet cleaner in this scenario. If the mould has grown across a large portion of the backing, you may need to replace the carpet.

Ventilate the room. Open all windows and doors in the room with the mouldy carpet. Air flow will reduce the humidity that encourages mould, and lessen associated odors. If you plan to use a chemical cleaning product, ventilation will reduce the chance of irritating your lungs and eyes.

If there are no windows to the room, turn on a fan pointing toward a doorway.

Sun the carpet if possible. If your carpet is removable, move it outside and hang it over a sturdy clothesline. 24–48 hours of direct sunlight will help kill mould spores, and remove moisture that encourages mould growth.

If the carpet is soaked through to the backing, not just the upper fibers, it may take much longer to dry. Leave it in direct sun in an area with good ventilation for several days.
Remove moisture with baking soda. This step will absorb moisture and reduce odors, but further efforts will be required for all but the lightest mould problem. Sprinkle the affected area generously with baking soda, leave on overnight, then vacuum it up.

The talc-free baby powder may be used instead. Avoid baby powder that contains talc, since this can cause serious harm if inhaled.

Some people report success mixing their vinegar with an equal part of methylated spirits.
Removing Carpet Mould with Commercial or Professional Treatments

Use an anti mould treatment. Anti-mould or antifungal sprays are available at most drug stores and supermarkets. Check the label for instructions, and to make sure the product is safe for use on carpets. Antifungal treatments designed for kitchen or bathroom cleaning could potentially discolor or damage the carpet.

Products that include an "encapsulate" treatment or "mould barrier" are designed to leave a clear barrier on the carpet fibers, preventing future mould growth. This is recommended for carpets kept in humid conditions.
A mixture of bleach and water can be used instead of a commercial solution. Mix half a cup of bleach with a gallon of water.[2] You may want to use color-safe bleach and test it on a corner of your carpet first to make sure that it will not cause discoloration.