Why Good Communication with the Road Controlling Authority (RCA) is Important for Planning


Thursday 15 November 2018, 4:39PM

By Parallaxx


If you are planning to perform any road works or affect the normal operating conditions of the road corridor, you need to ensure you notify the local Road Controlling Authority (RCA) by submitting a corridor access request (CAR). The RCA will give you permission to work through an approved  Traffic Management Plan (TMP). The (TMP) needs to clearly describe the activities in the road corridor, and how these will be managed to ensure road user safety. It is important that all variables are considered and contingencies are planned for.

Communication with the RCA is key as they are a large organisation responsible for all the assets and road works were undertaken on their network. There are different departments within the RCA that look after different things, such as planning, maintenance and auditing. Therefore, it is important that you identify your key contacts early to ensure effective and efficient communication. NZTA have recognised the importance of effective communication between the Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) contractor and the RCA and have subsequently made this a requirement.

Under the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM) the TTM Contractor must make sure that their staff are qualified and have attended the appropriate traffic control courses. All Traffic Controllers (TC) and Site Traffic Management Supervisors (STMS), levels 1, 2 and 3 qualifications, must be current. All TMPs must be submitted by an STMS that holds a current qualification for the level of the road the TMP has been designed for, or higher. Important information to include in a TMP:

1.      Installation of Proposed Temporary Speed Limits

2.      Additional changes to the Traffic Management Plan

3.      Proposed work start and finish dates

4.      Delay Calculations

5.      Major phases and changes on the worksite

6.      Potential for disruption and public notification plans

Additionally, if the temporary traffic management can be set up using an approved generic plan, then the STMS must notify the Traffic Management Coordinator (TMC) at least 48 hours prior to work taking place. This information should be communicated to the RCA as well.

Sound confusing? At Parallaxx we’re experts at dealing with RCAs and can sort this whole process for you from start to finish. We can provide you with traffic management training, traffic control courses, organise a TTM contractor to set up your worksite and ensure you get approval to get the job done.