16 Top Trends In Bathroom Tile Design For 2019 - NZ Edition

Vicky D

Monday 25 November 2019, 4:50PM

By Vicky D


Tiled Shower Box
Tiled Shower Box Credit: Superior Renovations

Nowadays, picking out the best tile for bathroom renovation is an overwhelming task because of a variety of factors you need to consider, such as texture, color, shape, and design.

In the past, it was easy to choose the best tile for remodeling purposes since functional benefits such as low maintenance, durability, and water resistance were the only things considered. However, this is the opposite of this era. Today, the tile’s aesthetic impact has the same weight as its functions.

As a result, manufacturers have made several changes on their selections to provide unique tiles to the homeowners. From the current research, we have come out with the top trends in bathroom tiles in 2019 that every homeowner should consider when deciding to renovate their home. These trends essentially covers the tiles’ patterns, finishes, shapes, and colors.

Most people prefer statement tiles for their bathroom renovations, but it’s not such easy to choose the best brand as per their desires because of the variety of colors and shapes available in the market. Worry no more! With the currents trends, it will become easy to choose the best bathroom tile for your renovation task.

However, you should note that choosing a riotous pattern or brash color is the best way the best option for making a statement with your bathroom tiles. Considering also variation, shape, and the texture of your bathroom tile is essential in selecting the one capable of creating a stimulating effect. Here, you need to go for things like the quirky arrangement or a single color.

A featured wall, tiled floor, or splashback is not an option if you want to invest less but create a statement look that has a significant impact. Considering the effect the tile will bring is essential for anyone who’s after tiling the entire room. Check the image the tiles are likely to bring. Will they make the space to look larger and lighter or they’ll make it moodier and more intimate? Are the tiles eye-attractive? Do they create a sense of height?

See top 16 trends in bathroom tile design that every Auckland homeowner should consider.