Cannabis Pampering at Whakamana
Join us for this fantastic pampering and self-care event, brought to you by Whakamana - Christchurch's Cannabis Museum.
The event is hosted by Bekah Hodgetts and Ottie Schwartz, the latter you may recognise from TV’s Married at First Sight.
Featuring a range of awesome hemp-based beauty and pampering treatments including canna-themed manicures, canna-themed flash tattooing, and more, the day will include fantastic offerings from Natural Nails, Crystal Frequencies, and GreenezNZ, as well Andy Harrison aka Zero as our house DJ.
Naith from Absolution will also be offering free canna-themed flash tattoos to anyone who pledges to the Whakamana PledgeMe campaign
Slick Burger is catering with delicious nutritious vegan platters.
So, come along, bring your friends and let’s get canna-pampered.
Wednesday 4th of Dec 10am-2pm
217 Manchester St (in Shands, next to Trinity)
Whakamana’s FB page is here
Whakamana’s PledgeMe campaign has just been launched. Check it out and invest here