SharpDrive Debate Online Driver Training v Practical

Thursday 19 December 2019, 1:03PM

By Beckie Wright


As the most well-known online driver training provider in Australia, SharpDrive’s short, interactive programme is a proactive way you can help keep your business and your drivers safe. In this article they examine the pros and cons of practical versus defensive driving courses online.

As an employer or manager, you have a legal responsibility to ensure your people have been trained and informed of the hazards associated with their job. 

SharpDrive is a simple, cost-effective way to fulfill this training duty to your drivers, without paying for expensive classroom based courses or losing days of productivity.

Practical driver training without question has a place, however online does provide some succinct advantages, such as it is immediate. Drivers can be trained prior to receiving the car keys, as opposed to waiting until the next practical course is available. Secondly, it is scalable. Entire fleets can be trained in a matter of days.

Consistentcy is paramount, with drivers receiving the same quality training each and every time, and the course flexibility means that drivers can complete the training in their downtime, or as it suits. As they say, “Any time, any place, any device”.

However, if a fleet owner requires a practical element, SharpDrive partners with a number of practical driver trainers throughout Australia and New Zealand, but some of their clients provide only online driver training across their entire fleets.

Others may provide SharpDrive as a baseline for their entire fleet, and bring in practical components for smaller groups or certain skill areas, such as for repeat offenders, or for those requiring specialist skills such as off-road training. Either way, Online is the lowest cost way to achieve the best results up-front. From there, practical training can be the icing on the cake.

The facts dont lie - 92% of SharpDrive's previous course participants say that SharpDrive has made them a safer driver. But not only do previous participants say they are safer, the stats back it up. You can confirm this by taking a look at SharpDrive’s most up-to-date outcomes on the company home page showing the drastic reduction in crashes that their clients experience across their fleets.

For more information on online driving courses Sydney and corporate driver training Australia please go to .