Future Kids Have Some Great Parenting Tips for the COVID-19 Lockdown

Sunday 24 May 2020, 4:55PM

By Beckie Wright


The COVID-19 lockdown has been a very difficult time for parents and children forced to stay at home for long periods of time, and we have all despaired at trying to keep our kids happy and energised while having to be inside. It looks as if Level 2 will allow children back to school, but not all parents will want to do this.

Future Kids have a page on their website with a couple of recipes, so you can get your kids working on these to entertain them with the making and then the using of Gloop and Playdough, starting with the Gloop Recipe as follows:

2 Cups Cornflour
1 Cup Cold Water
Pour the cornflour into a bowl, add the cold water slowly, stirring constantly and stop when the water is barely absorbed by the cornflour.
Gloop is easy to clean and wonderful fun, particularly outdoors.
Gloop will brush off clothing as a dry powder.

Is it solid or is it liquid?

Pour it on to a table top.

Can you pile it up to make a castle?

Can you write your name in it before the writing disappears?

Divide the gloop in half and add different food colouring to each half.

Watch what happens when the two mixtures meet!

Playdough Receipe

2 cups of plain flour
4 tablespoons of 'cream of tartar'
2 tablespoons of cooking oil
1 cup of salt
2 cups of boiling water
food colouring
Just pop it all in a mixing bowl and mix!
It looks as though it is not going to mix well at first but hang in there and throw it onto the bench to knead, and it will come together really nicely.
We put different things in ours also such as glitter and sand.  Just be careful you don't put things in like rice as they tend to go mouldy - we find glitter is really good.
Add peppermint oil for a great smell and even longer lasting playdough.

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