Cost to Build a Garage Calculator NZ for 2020 by Superior Renovations ®

Vicky D

Monday 31 August 2020, 12:06PM

By Vicky D


Cost to Build a Garage Calculator NZ for 2020 by Superior Renovations ®
Cost to Build a Garage Calculator NZ for 2020 by Superior Renovations ® Credit: Vicky D

In New Zealand, 92% of households have at least one vehicle according to One Roofs (2019) research so it’s not a surprise that most home buyers and renters are looking for property that has a garage. Does it actually add any value to the property? Not as much as people think but in short, it adds 2-3% to the sale price of the house – however it’s different for all locations (eg it will be perceived as more valuable in an area like Central Auckland, people are paying $50,000 to $75,000 just for a car park)

What factors determine the cost of building a garage?

  • The size of the garage
  • Excavation and Site Preparation
  • Foundation
  • Walls for the garage
  • Exterior material of the garage
  • Roof type for the garage
  • Utilities
  • Flooring

Additional Considerations and Costs

Adding a garage to your property typically has a return on investment of 60% to 80%. If your workplace uses flammable items in the garage, keep in mind that there is a danger of fire for not only the garage but your entire home. This risk is lowered for detached garages.

Consents are required for detached garages over 10sqm, and is required for attached garage. Resource consent may be required as well is it’s going to be an additional dwelling. Please check with Auckland council or consult with an architect to ensure you’re building within the regulations.

Cost to build a garage calculator nz (detached garage)

This New Garage Cost Calculator (Updated on August 2020 to reflect market prices of product and labour) is designed only for you to get an indication of what you can expect to invest based on the provided information.

— Please note —

For every project there can be so many cost factors which will affect the accuracy of this calculator. Cost are calculated by averages just to give you an indication. Always seek professional advice and quotations from a project manager if you require an accurate estimate. Never use this calculator as a foundation for your allowances or finances – only for research purposes. Rates & material costs vary from region to region as well.

Once you’ve generated an estimate and completed the form – you would be emailed a rough estimate – we will then follow up with you to discuss your estimate and answer any questions you may have.

Free to Use Cost Calculator here

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 Please note: Whilst all information is considered to be true and correct at the date of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the information. The information may change without notice and Superior Renovations is not in any way liabe for the accuracy of any information printed and stored or in any way interpreted and used by a user.


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